Friday, August 9, 2013

God called, I answered

Next week I officially begin my "dream job".  I will be teaching 3 wonderful boys that God hand picked for my class! I also happen to have a mad crush on the principal! Oh and the absolute best co-workers, aka my fellow "home" girls! I have been led to homeschool, thus begins our journey,...

I am in amazement how God had this all in His plan long  before I had it in mine.  A year ago I was registering Evan for public Kindergarten and attending orientation. I had no desire, no thought to ever home educate.
 About early spring God placed the curiosity of homeschooling on my heart. I became very interested and began reading books and blogs and talking to several ladies that were homeschool moms. My desire to home educate grew stronger.  God perfectly placed other moms in my life who also shared the desire to home school and my "support group" was formed.  During the spring I attended a HS conference and my heart said yes to Gods calling.
 I absolutely feel that this was what He desires me to do for my children at this season.  I knew that if God was leading me to this that He would equip me with what I needed to do it.  I also realized if I felt called and didnt let God lead me, it would be an act of disobedience.  God prepared Michael's heart and he absolutely stood in support of homeschooling.  My mom is one of the most important people in my life and she has shown nothing but encouragement to me.  I am blessed to know some of the most Christ filled women who have went before me and passionately homeschool their children, my sister in law was homeschooled and is one of the most sweet spirited mature young ladies I know, all increasing my comfort in this journey.
 Most importantly my children have embraced this and are eager to begin school at home, I am so blessed by this! I am excited to see them learn, and explore and ask questions and find answers.  I feel great peace in knowing that they will be taught of the Lord and know that all wisdom comes from Him.  The verse that God spoke to me was "All your sons will be taught of the Lord and Great will be your childrens peace". Isaiah 54:1-Beautiful!!! 
  I know that "God does not call the qualified, He calls those willing and then qualifies them" so I say to Him, here I am Lord, I will go Lord if you lead me.