Friday, September 20, 2013

Curriculum, Curricula!!

A month in to our homeschool life and I still have to double check myself on the spelling of curriculum although I've googled it nearly 1,000 times I bet! ~ Curriculum, the subjects comprising a course of study in a school (or college).  Wikipedia. ;)

I began researching curriculum early spring of this year.  I read a zillion reviews, visited local homeschool friends to look through what they used,and attended a homeschool conference.  To say that I have invested ALOT of time in choosing our "course of studies" is an understatement.  With all that being said, I do not believe that any  curriculum is a one choice fits all, nor am I so passionate about our choices that I feel that our way is best. It really is a blend of  personal preference of teaching style and children's learning when choosing this stuff!

Our first year of homeschooling I chose an eclectic blend of material, meaning I picked and chose different publishers for different subjects.  Heres our 2013-2014 line up of curriculum-

We originally started out using Answers in Genesis Bible Curriculum.  This was one of the choices that I didn't Love, so with a suggestion from a friend we have just begun using Grapevine Bible Studies instead.  We chose level 1 Old Testament- Creation through Jacob.  I think this will be a great fit for us.  It will be something that all the boys will be able to do together.  We read the scripture and we stick figure draw the illustrations to go along with what we just learned.  I think this multilayer approach to learning will help them to retain the stories better and give them a visual timeline of the Bible history.  

Early on I really liked our math choice.  It came with great reviews and I really am happy with our choice.  We are using Math U See and its been smooth sailing.  Evan began in Alpha and he is working his way through at a great pace.  It is a mastery based approach so I know he is really understanding each concept as he moves along. Its really easy to teach and understand which is a major plus for me the "wordy" girl who cringes at math. Mr. Demme (the writer of this curriculum is very cool!) We all pop in the dvd before each lesson  and watch and learn from him then we do the workbook pages.  I am debating starting Lane in the Primer level soon.  He seems to be picking up pretty quickly by just sitting beside big brother and I think he may be my math guy!  Mr. Jace loves playing with the manipulatives right along side the older ones too!

We are using a blend of things for our Language Arts.  I feel in love with Rod and Staff English 2 as soon as I laid my eyes and hands on it.  It is such a solid English curriculum and I am an English gal!!  The lessons carry a Biblical message and promote Christian virtues.  Its awesome!  The lessons are quick and dont carry any fluff.  We do most of this orally with some whiteboard work as I see fit. 
We use All About Spelling and Explode the Code for phonics.  I like these choices but they don't "excite" me.  It works, so thats all that matters to me!  I also have Evan practice his handwriting using A Reason For Handwriting.  He works on memorizing scriptures along with neatly writing them so this is a double like in my book!

I originally planned on using Apologia Human Anatomy along with the Jr Notebook for our science this year.  After looking at the book I am realizing it is ALOT of detail and alot of reading.  I am tabling this for the time being and am just going to focus on learning about our body, organs and skeletal system on a much general level.  It is great material but a bit much for this age.  I have Answers in Genesis God's Design for Life ordered and am anxiously waiting for the package to arrive.  This will touch on The World of Plants, The World of Animals, and The Human Body. I think this will be a better fit for now.

For our Social Studies we are using Expedition Earth by Confessions of a Homeschooler.  It is so neat and I am learning just as much as Evan!  We are touring each continent and countries within and learning about their culture. We learn to say hello in the language, learn about famous landmarks, and  pray for the lost people of those regions and for the missionaries called to those lands. There are recipes and crafts and fun facts to go along with each country we "tour" and at the end of the lesson we stamp our passport with the country's flag.

For now our History is consisting of books and activities I am picking out from the library and Pinterest.  I want to touch on the major holidays throughout the year and why we celebrate them.  We have already studied the American Revolution during July around Independence Day.  I am planning to teach about Christopher Columbus in October and Native Americans during November.  We will read about Martin Luther and will study presidents for Presidents Day.  In first grade I want him to have a general idea of the most prominent events in History and will be use a more in depth curriculum in later elementary years. 

Evan also loves music and I think God has gifted him in this area.  He just recently began piano lessons once a week and also attends a music appreciation class once a month.  He is learning about composition and famous composers. Lane and Evan both attend Art class once a week at the Crisp Museum where they are learning about different artists and techniques. Soon they will both begin a Homeschool PE that is offered weekly at SouthEast Health.  Weekly Evan and Lane also attend CODA at Centenary Church where they are learning even more wonderful Biblical instruction and having a fun time with friends working on crafts, enjoying snacks and singing songs of praise and worship!  I am thankful for these classes in our community that help assist me in teaching these subjects!

Each year I plan on re evaluating our choices and tailoring them to suit their learning interests, there are so many great options available when it comes to home educating!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 16 of our Homeschool Journey!!

It is day 16 of our Homeschooling Journey!! I can say that I am honestly quite surprised how smooth it is going so far.  I know that God's hand is definitely in this!  Evan loves homeschooling and has told me several times.  Lane is proud that he home schools too, on the days he doesn't go to Centenary Preschool, and Jace is always eager to be right up with the big bros, cutting and pasting and whatever else he can get into along with them!  We named our home school Class of 3, Sanford Christian Academy.  I love the simple name and love that God has given the boys one another as classmates! We have our routine started, and while every day doesn't always look the same, for the most part we do things in the same order every day.  We school 4 days a week with Friday being our Field trip Fun day.  We are involved in a small home school group, Home Grown Kids, where we do fun things together each week. Our typical school day begins with Bible, then Math, LA/English and Reading.  We break for snack time and recess and try to get outside time in during mid morning.  After lunch the little bros go down for rest time.  I regroup and do a few chores while Evan has quiet time.  Then Evan and I do more one on one subjects like Geography, History and Science.  Evan also is studying piano with Ms. Diane Wicker on Tuesdays and takes a once a month music appreciation class with Ms. Andrea.  He loves music and am so thankful for the talent of these ladies to teach Evan in areas where I cant as much.  I am so very blessed to be able to stay home and teach my sons and I am thankful for this job! Day 16, here's to many many more! To God be the Glory on our Home school journey!

American boys! July 2013

Our focus in the month of July was learning about our country and history of the United States.  We started off the month celebrating our country's birthday, July 4th!  We made our traditional flag cake, painted a 4th of July fireworks painting, BBQ and watched fireworks at Arena Park in Cape Girardeau MO. 

Later in the month of July we began studying The Revolutionary War.  We learned that the Patriots revolted against the British and King George of England because they did not like being ruled by him.  They protested with a tea party.  The colonists were called Patriots.  The British wore red coats and were nick named, you guessed it, "red coats".  We read a really neat book "If You Lived at the Time of the American Revolution" by Kay Moore.  We ended the study with a lapbook and made super cool British and Patriot clothespin soldiers!
 Painting our soldiers!
one of our favorite projects in Homeschool so far!!
We visited our local "statue of liberty" at Capaha Park in Cape Girardeau MO!

Our American boy Jace proud of our new USA map for our homeschool classroom!!  It was a neat month to learn American History!! We love July!

Worm Study! July 2013

July 1st we officially were able to count hours for our 2013-2014 school year.  We eased into our homeschool with a fun unit study on worms!

 digging up our new wiggly "friends"
 observing our wiggly worms up close!
 Gummy worm dissection!
 Evan measuring his worm
 Jace ready to eat his worm!!

We read a fiction and a non fiction book about our wiggly worms then we headed outside to the garden to dig!  Once we had our  victims worms we studied them up close!  We learned that worms have 5 hearts and that the lines on worms are called segments.  We measured our worms and ended our fun with dirt pudding a gummy worm snack!  This was a fun start to our Class of 3 homeschool study!!